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ekem’s project “alkaline cyanide free-zinc additives” won the second prize of progress in science and technology for the year 2011 issued by fujian provincial government

on april 27, 2012,fujian provincial government (min government [2012] no.22) announced the list of  award on science and technology for the year 2011. ekem’s project “alkaline cyanide free-zinc additives” won the second prize. the award was reviewed by the science and technology award committee of fujian province and decided by the provincial government. for ekem,this was not only a recognition of ekem’s success but also a motivation, which will greatly push forward the company’s development of innovation in science and technology.

ekem(fujian) chemicals co. ,ltd

add: xingtai economic development     zone, zhangzhou, fujian, china

pc: 363900

ekem chemical industry co. ,ltd. of xiamen

add:20 /f, post &telecom guangtong bldg,no.11,    hubin east road, xiamen, fujian, china




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ekem chemical industry co,.ltd.of xiamen   ©2017 all right reserve   icp no.4582162 fujian
