ekem has successfully passed the review of high and new technology enterprises for the year 2011-pg电子游戏app


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ekem has successfully passed the review of high and new technology enterprises for the year 2011

on january 17, 2012, according to min science department [2012] no.1, ekem (fujian) chemicals co., ltd. was recognized as the first batch of high-tech enterprises in fujian and was successfully recorded in the ministry of science and technology. its issuance date is october 9, 2011 and the period of validity is three years.

ekem(fujian) chemicals co. ,ltd

add: xingtai economic development     zone, zhangzhou, fujian, china

pc: 363900

ekem chemical industry co. ,ltd. of xiamen

add:20 /f, post &telecom guangtong bldg,no.11,    hubin east road, xiamen, fujian, china




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ekem chemical industry co,.ltd.of xiamen   ©2017 all right reserve   icp no.4582162 fujian
